Paper products for keeping everything organized

(Launch TBA)

A passion for organising notes

The Smenotes team has a passion for organising work notes, facts and to-dos in a way that works for you.

Paper is Perfect

Writing adds the data into your head in a different way then typing. If you like writing notes, use them to your advantage and keep them handy.

A Notebook Without End

Your notes can fill volumes and be there for you without adding stress.

Put your notes in order and have them printed to archive in a way you can find that certain idea or fact.

Easy Notes for Saving

Use Smenotes for an easy way to keep track of your notes offline.

A5 or A4 printed books

Notes can get lost in work paperwork which is mostly A4. Print your notes in black and white A4 format makes sure they don’t get lost.

Managing Notes

Before sending notes in to be printed, you can look through them and see marked duplicate information.

Organising Solutions

Digital life is full of mistakes. Writing and printing your notes helps see the mistake in black and white.

Notetaker Resources

Every notetaker has their favourite pen and their favourite style of writing. Let us help you find your favourite way of remembering, printing and storing.


  • Collaborate with your past self.
  • Showcase your doodle style for each type of information.
  • Print your notes for project files, for work colleagues, for your archive.

“A thought escapes faster than a random note jotted down on paper.”


Somewhere around London

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Waiting for someone who wants to write a newsletter and not just take notes.